Child Safe Organisations ACT

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Child Safe Organisations ACT

The Australian Capital Territory is guided by the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations however has not yet implemented the National Principles into legislation. 

 In 2019, the ACT government ran a four-month-long public consultation to develop a Child Safe Standards Scheme however has not yet implemented any territory-specific legislation. 

Further the ACT has not yet implemented a Reportable Conduct Scheme.  

A summary of the ACT child safety legislative landscape is outlined below:

Safe space legal child safety
  • Currently the ACT has not enacted the National Principles into legislation, however the ACT has considered implementing legislation therefore we expect legislative change in the coming years.
  • Organisations across the ACT that engage with children and young people should implement the National Principles to ensure that organisations are exercising best practice in child safety and mitigate the risk of harm to children and young people.
  • The ACT has currently not implemented a Reportable Conduct Scheme
  • Organisations across the ACT that engage with children and young people should ensure that they provide a child-focused and accessible complaints system so that the concerns about child abuse and harm can be properly reported and responded to by the organisation, including conducting thorough investigations of concerns.
Children and young people are inherently vulnerable to abuse and harm.  Children have a right to feel safe and be safe in all environments.  Exposing children and young people to abuse and harm may cause long-term trauma and impact their growth and development.  Organisations must take active steps to comply with their duty of care to mitigate risk of harm.

How Safe Space Legal can help:

The team at Safe Space Legal have extensive experience working with organisations across Australia to ensure they are meeting their legal obligations when working with children and young people. Safe Space Legal offer a large range of services including:


Conducting expert child safety investigations which are child focused and trauma informed

Procedure Implementation

Drafting child safety policies, procedures, codes of conduct and complaints handling processes which are compliant with the National Principles

Training and Education

Providing tailored child safety training on legal obligations, duty of care, the Reportable Conduct Scheme, investigations and the National Principles

Compliance Audits

Conducting audits against the National Principles to recognise practice and policy gaps and improve safeguarding

Legal Support

Providing expert legal advice on safeguarding and child safety matters

Crisis Management

Root cause analysis of critical child safety incidents to improve organisational safeguarding and compliance with legislative obligations
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Take the first step and schedule your free 30-minute consultation. We cater to organisations across Australia, providing in-person and online assistance tailored to your requirements. 

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