
Safe space legal safeguarding
Safeguarding Experts

Disability Sector

People with disability face significant disadvantage and are at increased risk of harm, violence, neglect, exploitation and abuse due to their complex physical, intellectual and mental health needs.  People with disability are often reliant on others to ensure their care and wellbeing needs are met and can face difficulties when voicing their needs and concerns about their quality of care and support.

The Royal Commission into Violence. Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, which issued its final report in September 2023, has considered the experiences and conditions of people with disability in a variety of community, residential and employment settings and has made a number of recommendations in relation to safeguarding people with disability from harm, how to ensure organisations engage in best practice and promote a more inclusive society.

Safe Space Legal provides expert legal services to organisations within the disability sector

Policies and Procedures

Developing disability safeguarding policies, procedures and complaints handling processes


Expert compliance advice on safeguarding issues

Safeguarding Training

Specialist safeguarding training, tailored to the organisation


Policy and implementation audits to ensure compliance with legislative obligations


Safeguarding investigations which are trauma informed and empower people with disability to be involved in the process

Incident Management

Root cause analyses of critical incidents and crisis management
Cultural Safety in the Disability Sector

Cultural Safety in the Disability Sector

The Royal Commission’s Research Report into First Nations People’s Experiences with Disability Support Services On..

Disability Royal Commission

Disability Royal Commission: Research Report into the Elimination of Restrictive Practices

On 25 July 2023, the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People..

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