Safeguarding & Child Safe

Safeguarding Audits

We ensure organisations have compliant safeguarding procedures and policies through comprehensive audits, providing actionable reports for areas of improvement.

Exceptional Guidance

Our combined legal experience spanning five decades, blended with practical insights, allows us to navigate matters of child safety and safeguarding skillfully and practically.

Review & Improve

After a thorough audit and assessment, we will provide the necessary steps to meet compliance obligations and improve your organisation’s safeguarding procedures.

Mitigate Risks

By understanding where risks lie with regular auditing, your organisation will be able to foster a strong culture of safeguarding and a genuine Child Safe environment.

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Your Free Consultation

We invite you to contact Safe Space Legal to book a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your orgainsation's safeguarding needs


Our lawyers are based in Victoria, servicing the Safeguarding needs of organisations nationwide

Safe Space Legal - Child Safety and Safeguarding Compliance Specialists

Safe Space Legal is Australia’s premier legal practice dedicated exclusively to child safety and safeguarding. We are here to support your organisation in every aspect of its journey towards creating a safe space for children and vulnerable people.

We offer Safeguarding Audits & Child Safe Compliance Audits, providing Australia-wide support to organisations committed to child safety and safeguarding. From comprehensive compliance audits to fostering a safeguarding culture, we are your dedicated partners in ensuring excellence in child protection and the safety of vulnerable adults. We understand how hard it can be to obtain the right support to manage the needs of children at risk of harm successfully. We will work with your organisation to provide a comprehensive plan to safeguard children and vulnerable people within your care.

How Will An Independent Audit Help Your Organisation?

For many organisations, internal audits provide valuable feedback but may not give a complete picture of your organisation’s overall safeguarding culture. Independent audits offer a fresh perspective that can build on or bridge gaps in internal auditing processes.

Not only do we have a wealth of experience in this area, but we are committed to providing an unbiased and thorough audit report. We go beyond the surface, delving into critical aspects such as staff understanding, record keeping, and site visits to identify areas where risks may lie. We can also help with any areas of responsibility that are not fully aligned in accordance with Child Safe principles, such as training, policies or recruitment.

The Reportable Conduct Scheme in Western Australia
Children and young people are inherently vulnerable to abuse and harm.  Children have a right to feel safe and be safe in all environments.  Exposing children and young people to abuse and harm may cause long-term trauma and impact their growth and development.  Organisations must take active steps to comply with their duty of care to mitigate risk of harm.

Key Components of Our Safeguarding Audits

Our audits encompass an in-depth review of your safeguarding policies and procedures, with a keen eye on governance and compliance. We act as an external review mechanism, offering an unbiased perspective to enhance the integrity of your safeguarding processes.

Whether you are an organisation with limited time to assess and implement policies, a new organisation looking to get started, or an organisation seeking improvement after an incident, we tailor our support to meet your unique needs. We will work closely with key stakeholders to ensure they know which areas require further development.

Our Audit Services

Policy & Document Review

We'll ensure that all policies and procedures to safeguard children and vulnerable people are legally sound and compliant with legislation.

Process & Procedure Review

Our team will meticulously assess your processes and procedures to ensure they are actively keeping children and vulnerable people safe and your organisation is implementing the policies.

Identifying Training & Education Gaps

Your staff are key to the successful implementation of safeguarding principles. We'll identify any skill and knowledge gaps in your team and can provide training if required.

Legal Compliance

A key part of our Safeguarding audit process is ensuring that your organisation is legally compliant by conducting thorough assessments of your obligations and how they are being met.

Risk Identification & Management

Our audits go beyond the surface, actively identifying risks and providing strategies for effective risk management across health and safety, disclosure, reporting, and preventing abuse and neglect.

Direct Involvement of Senior Management

To ensure the success of our safeguarding audits, we actively involve senior management in the whole process. Their commitment is crucial to fostering a safeguarding culture within the organisation.
Safe space legal children and young people

Ongoing Support & Training To Ensure Positive Safeguarding Outcomes After An Audit

Our Safeguarding Audits offer an unbiased and thorough audit report. We assess your policies against the relevant Child Safe Standards or National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, identifying areas for improvement and providing actionable steps.

Our audit reports provide clear and actionable insights into your organisation’s safeguarding practices. You’ll have the assurance that your practices align with relevant legislation, promoting a Child Safe culture within your organisation.

Get In Touch

Contact Information

Get in touch today to organise your complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss your child safety and safeguarding needs. Our team is based in Melbourne, but we work with organisations nationwide – assisting both in-person and online as required.

Contact us

(03) 9124 7321

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Book Your Safeguarding Audit Today

Take the first step towards safeguarding excellence. Book your free consultation today and allow us to guide your organisation in creating a safer environment for children. Our team is Melbourne-based, but work with organisations across Australia.

Let us help your organisation positively impact the lives of young people by ensuring a dedicated safeguarding culture within your workplace.

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