Empowering Organisations
Safe Space Legal offers a range of comprehensive, flexible online training designed to help individuals and organisations create Child Safe environments.
Access training from anywhere, anytime.
Meet your training & compliance needs at a fraction of the cost of live tutorials.
Students stay engaged with our quality content, case studies & quizzes.
Our training courses are recognised for their quality and effectiveness in imparting essential skills related to child protection, safeguarding, and creating child-safe environments. Our team of specialists in this area has developed each module, bringing over 50 years of combined experience in child safety and safeguarding into our training. We can tailor modules to meet all of your training needs, too - from your staff who work with children through to your Directors and Board members.
We know how important it is to meet your compliance obligations and create a strong culture of safeguarding in genuinely Child Safe environments. Our courses have been designed to be highly engaging, easy to understand, and impart the ethical reasons and importance of protecting children and young people. We have found this creates a stronger motivation for individuals to take their safeguarding roles seriously, which creates better organisational outcomes and protects children and young people from sexual abuse, negligent actions and other harm factors.
Our team is the first Australian law firm to focus exclusively on child safety and safeguarding. This means that we are equipped to help your organisation with all aspects of safeguarding compliance - from training through to representation.We assist schools, youth service organisations, early learning centres, recreational organisations, family services, religious institutions, and the aged care and disability sectors. Our tailored programs are designed to address your unique needs, filling any training and policy gaps to promote education and compliance.
Our team is fully equipped to help you with a complete range of issues relating to Safeguarding children and vulnerable individuals and nurturing Child Safe environments within your organisation.
Safeguarding children and young people has had a renewed focus since the Royal Commission in 2017, which looked at various institutional and human services responses to children and young people. Creating a Child Safe environment is necessary for compliance, but more importantly, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children while in care, educational and recreational services.
This means that everyone who works or volunteers with schools, youth justice services, early childhood services and other organisations working with young people needs to have the correct training to ensure that children at risk are protected from harm.
Absolutely. We can tailor each training course we deliver to align with your organisation's needs. This can include refresher training, onboarding modules and more in-depth training in areas like safeguarding policy development for those involved in creating safeguarding procedures and policies in your organisation.
We will cover the basics of child protection, and give in-depth insights into how to protect children from harm, including sexual abuse, neglect and other types of abuse. We will provide a comprehensive range of safeguarding resources relevant to your team's learning needs, with modules covering all aspects of working within Child Safe organisations.
They will learn how to prevent harm, effectively respond to incidents, understand risk factors and provide safe environments for children in their care. We also work towards nurturing all participants to foster environments that are genuinely safe for children actively.