The Child and Youth Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme Tasmania

Reportable Conduct Scheme and Child and Youth Safe Standards Tasmania

Tasmania has robust child safety legislation which came into effect in 2024 with the commencement of the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 (Tas). These laws establish fundamental frameworks, including the Child and Youth Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme Tasmania. 

The Independent Regulator is the statutory body that oversees the Child and Youth Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme in Tasmania.

Reportable conduct scheme tasmania

A summary of the Tasmanian child safety legislative landscape is outlined below:

    • In 2024, Tasmania introduced the Child and Youth Safe Standards framework, aligning with the National Principles for Child Safety.

    • Tasmania has implemented 10 Child Safe Standards, reflective of the National Principles for Child Safety.

    • The Child and Youth Safe Standards aim to keep children safe, mitigate incidents of child abuse and protect the cultural safety of Aboriginal children. You can view the framework here.

    • Oversight and implementation of the Child Safe Standards are regulated by the Independent Regulator, ensuring organisations have compliant policies, procedures, and systems in place.

    • The Tasmanian Reportable Conduct Scheme was established in 2024 and is regulated by the Independent Regulator. This scheme plays a crucial role in monitoring and ensuring appropriate institutional responses to child abuse and harm in Tasmanian organisations

    • The Independent Regulator possesses the authority to initiate investigations, including own motion investigations, in specific circumstances.

    • The Independent Regulator has the capacity to share information regarding reportable allegations and investigations related to child safety concerns, fostering collaboration to ensure the safety of children in Tasmania.

Click the button below to your free Reportable Conduct Scheme Tasmania Checklist to assist your organisation to comply with its Child Safety and Safeguarding obligations and make your organisation a Safe Space for children and vulnerable people.

Children and young people are inherently vulnerable to abuse and harm.  Children have a right to feel safe and be safe in all environments.  Exposing children and young people to abuse and harm may cause long-term trauma and impact their growth and development.  Organisations must take active steps to comply with their duty of care to mitigate risk of harm.

Contact us to discuss the Reportable Conduct Scheme and any other Safeguarding needs

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